Free Privacy Policy Generator

    Generate a clear and easy-to-understand Privacy Policy for your website or application, while considering consulting with your legal team for final use.

    Company Name

    Provide the name of the company that requires the privacy policy.

    Product Name

    Provide the name of the website or app for which the privacy policy is required.


    What industry does the company operate in?

    Target Market

    Who is the target market for the company's website or app?

    Types of Personal Information Collected

    List the types of personal information collected by the website or app.

    Purpose of Data Collection

    Describe the purposes for which the collected data will be used.

    Data Sharing and Third-Party Involvement

    Explain if and how data is shared with third parties, and the involvement of third parties in data processing.

    Data Storage and Security

    Describe the methods used to store data and the security measures taken to protect it.

    User Rights and Choices

    Explain the rights and choices users have with regard to their personal information.

    Cookies and Tracking Technologies

    Describe the use of cookies and other tracking technologies, as well as users' choices related to them.

    Children's Privacy

    Explain how the website or app addresses the privacy of children.

    International Data Transfers

    Describe the potential for international data transfers and the measures in place to ensure the protection of transferred data.

    Updates and Contact Information

    Provide information on how users will be informed of privacy policy updates and the contact details for inquiries related to privacy.

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